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Terrible guitar player.
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  • ev-gpjvRZyavZc-unsplashPrivacy vs Utility “Can I get your postal code?” We’ve all had this question as we check out of our grocery store or local Ikea. Companies looking for our data to help them…
  • officeOffice…schmoffice… Corporate America is about to be tested. There is a revolution that is underway that will challenge even the most financially secure companies in a way that has never before…
  • MentorshipA guy like me When I was younger, in my early 20's or thereabouts, and starting my first technology business, I was seeking advice and building my network. After each meeting with someone I…
  • Fi-M-Top10-Movie-Nooooos-480p30The four horsemen coming from the apocalypse https://youtu.be/l4UFQWKjy_I?t=12 Do you remember that scene from Austin Powers? That scene has been playing out in my head as we slowly emerge from the clutches of the pandemic and head…
  • Peter RoseFrom hustler to operator Hustling Is a young mind’s game. That doesn’t mean that it is only for the young, it means that to do it all the time is to waste energy that…
  • iceland-1768744_1920You need multiple streams If you can sing you are a threat. If you can sing and dance you are a double threat. If you can sing, dance and act you are a triple…
  • mudcafeThe REAL Innovators Dilemma Do something different. Challenge the status quo. Don't build something that already exists. Stop building features, build products that move people. Be innovative. Be first. Be unique. This is the…
  • Ice cream coneNever confuse movement and action After most dinners, my kids ask for the natural nightcap to a great meal — dessert. We go through a back and forth that usually sounds like this: Me: “How…
  • IMG_3731 2Why hardware is so hard It takes a certain kind of crazy to get into building a company around hardware. To invent something from scratch that people find valuable is hard enough at the best…
  • Protect your teamFight for your people Imagine having a baseball team with two future Hall of Fame players on it during the same season. Then picture that team stacked with perennial all-stars and a 74-40 record…